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艾米写信给美好的一面to share her story. She has been married for 10 happy years and brought a beautiful now 6-month-old baby into the world. She says that she and her husband both work full-time jobs. Her working at an office and her husband is at home. She goes on to explain that her mother-in-law who is retired, offered to look after the baby while they worked. Of course, Amy and her husband were happy to get the help and knew they could trust his mom. Amy Says “她有孩子的路。”“我非常感谢她的时间和奉献精神,以及她所做的一切。”除了她从看婴儿,烹饪和清洁的帮助下。


当她的婆婆“敢于” to ask for money for watching the baby. She requested them to pay her a payment per hour wage for the time she looked after the baby. Amy’s husband on the other hand agreed that his mom should be paid. Just think about how much it would cost to pay for professional help, it would be way more expensive. Amy was completely torn on the idea of how to handle the situation.



Awkward Conversation


Expressing Gratitude



If a family member or grandparent decides they want compensation for watching your kids, then make sure to be very clear with any guidelines. Make sure to come to an agreement on an amount. You can choose to base this on daycare employees, or babysitters in the area where you live. Make sure to take into account the number of kids, their ages, specialty care that they may need (such as health conditions needing extra attention), and if extra chores such as cleaning, cooking, shopping, driving, etc are involved. Decide if the pay will be given at the end of each day, week, month, etc. You can offer breaks or time off for vacation too. Also, make sure you are reimbursing grandparents for any food, toys, gas, and activities they buy for your kids.




Always remember that sometimes grandparents and others can’t babysit, so don’t make them feel bad for not being able to. Each person has their own life, schedule, hobbies, etc. The pleasure of watching over grandkids should not feel like a burden to them. So, be sure to check-in and make sure they are still feeling up for babysitting every now and then. If something important comes up, make sure to rearrange your schedule so the grandparent can do what they need to do. In the end, it is a must to have open and ongoing conversations about certain topics to avoid any misunderstandings. You want to make sure that everyone agrees and everyone is happy.



我是3个很棒的男孩的妈妈,喜欢在厨房里和我一起狡猾。我们的博客充满了各种节假日,派对创意,免费的可打印件,特色DIY创意,食谱和儿童手工艺创意的创意!manbetx3.0网页版manbetx ios下载




因此,现在我有自己的孙子孙女3 1/2、11个月零7周。他们的护理管理前两个是我最小的女儿和她的丈夫,他工作的日子从第一天起就没有外部护理。

当然应该付钱。这将是其他任何人的付费工作。我偶尔可以理解,这可能仅是出于爱(和免费)而完成的,否则我们会利用这个人。如果有人要求他们在工作期间一直打电话给这些父母会感觉如何 - 免费???





They would have to pay someone else and even if it is your grandchild it ties you down and keeps you from doing something else you might want to do. Also she loves him/her so you know they are well taken care of.

My mother babysat my kids when they were younger while i worked. I pad her a daily amount. No way did i expect her to do it for free – she is not obligated and was giving up other activities to watch them – my younger brother also paid her when she watched his kids – nno one should expect them to do it free of charge if you are working – its usually less money than a normal sitter and you get better care.



If your mother in law could use the money you should offer it to her. If she s already doing well financially that is another subject but Atleast do something it’s not an easy job and cooking and cleaning too A nanny costs a fortune. So I wouldn’t take advantage

It should not matter how much money the MIL has she should be paid. And what an awful DIL to think she owes her anything. The teenager down the street would charge you and would you feel as safe as when they are with your MIL Husband is right stop being selfish.

I enjoy looking after my grandchildren & think of it as a privilege. I have told my children that my babysitting is their birthday, Christmas & Easter presents so I don’t give anything on these special days. Win win situation for everyone, I believe.



我完全了解大父母的感觉。我非常爱我的孙子。无论如何,我一直照顾他们。我没有任何回报,我一直以金钱的骨头在屁股的骨头上,并且在克赖斯特彻奇的地震中被激怒了11年,在失去工作后挣扎着。我不希望照顾他们。时不时会很好。我的两个年龄的大孩子中有两个呆了4天,而父母出门参加朋友婚礼。当父母不在时,女孩病得很重。整夜几次在两个晚上都在所有床上用品中猛烈地走了。我很累,不得不洗衣服,第二天晚上他们仍然生病,我跑了床上用品。 I would have been fine had I had enough bedding. The parents were traveling there and back home by road, before they left there to come home they messaged me and said they were on there way home which should take around 4 hours. 3 hours later I got another message saying they were stopping for a rest, all good I thought at the time. another 3 hours later they were not home. I was starting to worry so I messaged them again as I was tired and falling asleep also not feeling well I told them in a message. There reply was they would be home in about 2 hours. I was then annoyed. to be told they stopped off at some hot pools and spent hours relaxing.
Now they will not let me see either of now 3 younger children I have and they will not even reply when I message them.


当我最小的孩子开始幼儿园时,我的米尔看着我的三个孩子。我很幸运能够和他们一起呆在家里,但是由于我最小的孩子现在在学校,现在是时候回去上班了。我不相信包括我自己的母亲在内的许多人看着我的女孩。我也是我丈夫祖母的初级保健给予者。因此,我的MIL将从上午8点至下午330点在我家。My girls were at school when she got there and I would get home within a half hour of them coming home, but she was there to watch her mother and Incase one of the kids couldn’t go to school or in times of days off, breaks and summertime. She charged me a very modest fee, but I gladly paid her as I had piece of mind while I was at work, that the kids would be safe and taken care of, and also that my husband’s Grandmother was not alone(she was in her mid80’s at the time.



我做了近25年的家庭托儿服务,当我退休时,我们搬到湖边放松身心并享受自己。几个月后,儿子和daughter妇出现在中期,并向我们展示了妊娠测试,并说:“好吧,现在您退休并搬家了,我们怀孕了!”。所以我说我会看婴儿。他们住在50英里外,所以我星期二去了,度过了晚上,星期三晚上回家,然后回到星期五。我这样做了两年,然后他们使用了日托。然后第二个孩子出生了,我为她做了同样的事情,直到她快两个,并且由于我丈夫的健康问题不得不停下来(他是第一个!)。我要求每周50美元,以帮助支付汽车的汽油和磨损。我还帮助清洁,洗衣服,有时用餐和差事以及宠物。我们去了图书馆,公园和其他活动。我从事教育活动,外部游戏,音乐和许多艺术项目,就像我对家庭托儿所一样。 I love my grandkids (also watched a third one who is now an adult) and love spending time and doing activities with them but I feel asking for some help with transportation is ok and if other grandmothers ask for a little money, I feel that is ok as well. Yes, we love spending time with our grandchildren, having fun and watching them grow, but it is also a lot of “enjoyable” work that we are taking time from our retirement lives. I wouldn’t trade that time with them and I think they appreciate me and the fun times we had a little bit more!! Lots of good memories that we remember all the time.


My role as MIL was great until my DIL had the baby. Something changed. I didn’t want to be a bother but I visited often. I didn’t push but wanted to have time to bond with the baby. Every time I asked my son to “babysit” he would say he would ask her and then tell me other arrangements had already been made. Maybe if I offered to pay them, maybe I would have been able to watch the baby.



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